Changing lives everyday by helping single women in our community unpack the pain of their past and unpack their home.
About Us
Unpack is a two-tiered approach to help women unpack the pain of their pasts as well as help them on the road to residency where they can unpack their things and make a home for themselves and their children. We work with single women whether they have never been married or those who find themselves beginning again; some out of incarceration, some out of abusive relationships, and others facing unforeseen circumstances where they are starting anew.
We believe if these precious women get a real understanding of who they were created to be, they can succeed in all areas of life. We have ministered to numerous women in our community through providing support, encouragement and resources, and have seen great progress in many of their lives.
We look to the life of Christ as a model for life and ministry.
We believe in the delivering power of The Holy Spirit.
We believe each person is fearfully and wonderfully made by God, for a purpose, with a purpose and on purpose.
We believe in stewarding time, resources and money in a Biblically sound way.
We believe in the power of prayer.
We believe that there are spiritual implications to the pain/problems in our lives and God wants to heal us of them all. His Word tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that He makes a way of escape for the righteous.
We believe in the Church and its role in the lives of single moms.
We believe in a high level of accountability and a low level of control. One of our mottos is “If I can talk you into it, someone else can talk you out of it”. These ladies need to want it for themselves.
We believe that Christ is the one who saves, not us, but that we can do ALL thing through the strength He gives us.
We believe that the single mom family is valuable, viable and can thrive.
We believe in ministering to the individual as well as the entire family if they will accept it.
We believe in the importance of the whole family.
We believe in the value of manhood and believe that all single moms need to uphold and seek a healthy relationship with the father of her children when appropriate.
We believe that we minister through our own brokenness. Revelations 12:11 tells us that we overcome, not only by what Jesus did, but the testimony we share with others.
We believe in the balance of sharing both truth and grace, tenderness and tough love.
We believe that no single mom walks successfully alone. We were built to have relationships and community.